Since 1956 the Fred J. Brunner Foundation
has given grants to numerous organizations. Fred J. the third generation director of Brunner & Lay Inc., a world leader in the manufacture of mining & construction tools, originated the Foundation. The Foundation focuses its grant giving on organizations that help those who are the most vulnerable, especially the young and the elderly. Education, shelter and hunger have been guiding premises in choosing recipients. The greater Chicago area has been the primary location of recipients, although exceptions have been made.

The Foundation distributes grants blindly without regard to race, creed or ethnicity. All recipients may reapply each year. Grants are distributed once a year in the fall. All requests should be made by August 1 of each year.
- A description of the organization.
- The specific purpose for which the grant will be used.
- A photocopy of the latest IRS determination letter showing the organization to be a 501C3 charity as determined by the IRS,
- Current audited financial statement.
This information should be sent to: